Rehydrant Project


Drinking Spots

The first ReHydrant prototype had been tested during the summer of 2013 at smaller festivals around Hungary. With the support of the Smart City Lab competition the first 11 piece series was installed during the autumn of 2014 in downtown Budapest.

The City of Oroszlány is the first city to own ReHydrants.
The cities of Pécs, Oroszlány, Zalaegerszeg and Veszprém all have installed ReHydrants in the Summer of 2015.

Fresh drinking water is accessible from taps fitted on fire hydrants at 43 points of the downtown area of Budapest since September 2015. 43 ReHydrants, contributed by Budapest Waterworks and the City Image Nonprofit Company, (owned by the Municipality of Budapest) are on the streets from April to October. Budapest Waterworks is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the new public drinking facilities. You can find ReHydrants placed on fire hydrants in frequented areas between the quay of Buda and the line of Tram nr. 4-6 on the Pest side of the city. Use them with care and spread the news: drink fresh water from the ReHydrants!


The ReHydrant Project is an innovative and creative initiative, inspired by the lack of public drinking fountains. These taps, designed by the founders of the project, transform fire hydrants quickly, easily and inexpensively into drinking fountains without affecting the original function.

The ReHydrant is a product recommended especially for governments and local water utility companies to solve the problems caused by the lack of public drinking fountains. ReHydrants provides quick and easy  access to drinking water in public spaces in a safe, and efficient  way.



ReHydrants can be installed on any above ground Fire Hydrant. These are present every 150 meters in urban environments. Employees of the local waterworks can put them in operation in a few minutes.

The blue colored ReHydrant is actually a mobile drinking fountain; its installation takes only seconds. Once the ReHydrant is connected to the fire hydrant, just push the big metal button and it provides water for 15 seconds. The jet of water emerging from the upper side of the device is perfect for drinking and also for filling up our water-bottles.

environment-friendly – less bottles, less plastic waste
inexpensive – 20% cost of a regular drinking fountain
keeps you healthy and hydrated
doesn’t affect work of firemen
mobile drinking fountain anywhere, anytime



The ReHydrant Project has been inspired by lack of public drinking fountains in public spaces. ReHydrants are able to convert fire hydrants into easily usable drinking fountains with a single move while preserving the original, fire extinguishing function.

ReHydrant Team Members:
Sarolta Hüttl, Judit Soltész, Zsófia Zétényi, Zsófia Zoletnik

ReHydrant Engineers: Gábor Bodnár, Tamás Ilkei, Tamás Ferenczy

Legal representation: Szecskay Attorneys at Law

Cooperative Partners: RoadRun-R, Design Terminál, Municipality of Budapest, City Image Nonprofit Company, Budapest Waterworks, Climate-KIC Central Hungary, Hosszúlépés.Járunk?,


Badacsonyi utca 19. fsz. 2., Budapest 1113, Hungary